Decider skills - essential strategies every person should know

What do you do in the early morning hours in Australia when you have jetlag? I used my time wisely and completed my online Decider Skills CBT Training!

CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on changing patterns of negative thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. Decider Skills CBT is a specific type of CBT that focuses on developing decision-making skills in individuals.

Decider Skills CBT helps individuals learn how to make effective decisions by breaking down the decision-making process into smaller steps, identifying potential obstacles, and developing strategies to overcome them. It also emphasises the importance of self-awareness, identifying personal values, and setting goals.

We teach individuals to identify and challenge negative thought patterns hindering decision-making. They also learn to manage difficult emotions that may arise during the decision-making process. As a result, individuals can make more informed and effective decisions in various aspects of their lives by improving their decision-making skills.

So we need to drill these strategies into young people so they have an increased ability to cope and are more resilient.

The programme itself lends itself to 1:1 work and teaching adults or children in groups & classes. I am excited about this programme as it allows a common vocabulary across a school or organisation! And it's fun too! The great thing about this is how accessible it is too.

We'd love to support your client group by running a Decider Skills class or group in your school or organisation.

Get in touch John Paul on


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Keeping The Heid: Wed 15th March, 7pm online